What is relationship between the lung cancer number and wildfire smoke? June 18 2023, 0 Comments
They found that people who lived within 50 kilometres of a wildfire in the past 10 years were 10 per cent more likely to develop brain tumours, and five per cent more likely to have lung cancer, compared to people living further away.
The wildfire smoke is every where from east cost to west in Canada. The PM2.5 particles reduce the visibility.
You should wear very good quality of face mask (no leaking) in order to avoid the lung cancer.
According to National Cancer Center's report, the number of lung cancer inireased by 300% from 1990 to 2017 due to air pollution, 14.4% of death is coming from PM2.5 air pollution.
A higher risk of getting cancer compared to those who don't. Wearing an N95 mask to fend off smoke during outdoor activities to reduce part of smoke.
The wildfire can burn everthing! The N95 can not brock all stuff since you still feel the odor and smell when you breath.
The best mask for wildfire smoke must meet following conditions:
1) No air leaking mask to fit face
2) HEPA Filter N95, N99, N100, or electrostatic filter
3) Activated carbon fibre