
Rocky Air will submit for NIOSH Respiratory Fit Evaluation Challenge April 28 2023, 0 Comments

There are issues with the current state of fit evaluation on filtering facepiece respirators (FFRs), especially for those working outside of the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulatory oversight.

  1. Research and anecdotal information reveal that health workers at doctors’ offices, nursing homes, dental facilities, and home health settings may not conduct initial or annual fit evaluation on a consistent basis due to lack of resources and fit evaluation procedures being impractical to implement widely across an organization
  2. From a global pandemic, to wildfire smoke, and air pollution in urban areas; now more than ever the general public is wearing tight fitting respirators without the benefit of a fit evaluation to know if the respirator selected is properly providing the intended level of protection.
  3. Under serious outbreak conditions, current approaches to quantitative and qualitative fit evaluations are constrained and lack the ability to efficiently scale.

We know the face mask has a big prolem of leaking, so we are going to submit materials to this challenge!

It is true! The both surgucal face mask and  N95 mask is a uniform mask for every one, it is wrong! Each people has different shape and size, even twin's face are different. The face mask can not perfect fit the face with leaking make millions doctors and nurses are sick by COVID-19 in past 3 years. 

I will update this information.


Our Rocky Air Nose Mask can make sure wildfire smoke stays outside November 01 2022, 25 Comments

There are 4 million people in Seattle area with the sky was brown and the air was difficult to breath on Thursday. 

The 10 U.S. locations with the worst air quality on Thursday were all in Washington or Oregon, led by Oakridge, Oregon, 150 miles (240 km) southeast of Portland. Oakridge's air quality index was 487, in the hazardous category, according to the federal website.

Our both HEPA Nose mask and Portable HEPA air purifier can help you to stay outside in wildfire smoke.