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About Us
Rocky Air
Double Jack
Performance of HEPA 11 Filter Nose Mask
As wildfires burn in LA, our Nose Mask can help you to brock the wildfire smoke
Why do I design the nose mask?
If you must go outside, wear an N95 or P100 mask to protect your lungs in wildfire smoke area.
A Free Shipping item by Canada Post every Thuesday in Oct.
Ride the horse with nose mask to remove the smell and odor!
Sewer Backup in my Basement in Toronto on July 16th, 2024
What is the wildfire smoke?
Our nose mask can help protect you from wildfire smoke!
Double Jacks has power to lift and save vechile in flooding
Wearing nose mask to clean the toilet at home
Wear our GAS filter nose mask can remove chemical gas in war area.
Name of our Jack: Double Nut Jacks
The Double Jacks Scissor Stand min. hight is 13cm for rescue car in flood
Scissor-X Jacks (30 inch) sampleis in testing
4 The Scissor-X Jacks to lift the car 30 inch in flood water!
How to protect your car in flood water?
Our Scissor-X Jacks sample is making now for lift the car in flood water
Wildfire smoke change the maple leaf color and damage the tree in Toronto
Did you see the wildfire smoke dust on your face mask when you wear it? Our nose mask catched the wirldfire smoke!
HEPA H11 Nose Mask performance during my packaging work with heavy dust of carbon
More carbon arrived and 4.0mm CTC 70% pellet arbon is ready for order now
Wildfire smoke in Toronto today! Test the performance of Rocky Air HEPA H12 Air Purifier
Canadian wildfires send smoke south! Smoke haze blanketed the cities in Montreal, Chicago, Detroit, Toronto
What is relationship between the lung cancer number and wildfire smoke?
What is the wildfire smoke? small particle, toxic!
The leaking mask can not brock the wildfire smoke
Best mask for wildfire smoke: (1) no leaking, (2) KN95 or N95 (3) activate carbn fibre to remove odors and smells
We are going to donate some HEPA H11 Nose Mask to Canada Emergency Service for wildfire
Performance for the HEPA Nose Mask from our client
The HEPA + activated carbon fibre Face Mask has finished the designing!
HEPA + Acivated Carbon fibre to absorb wildfire smoke is the best filter, fit face and no leaking!!
Wildfire smoke in Alberta
The wildfire is back in Alberta.
Rocky Air will submit for NIOSH Respiratory Fit Evaluation Challenge
Yellow sand reaches Japan again!
Nose Mask to help you get ahead of allergy season
The smallest both HEPA H11 and HEPA H12 filter face masks are in designing now on the word!!
Disadvantage of face mask, need a new mask!
Air quality in East Palestine
What should we do first when you face eathquake, wildfire smoke, volcanic reuption and checmical explosion?
It’s not really accurate to call it a fire season in North America
Performance of the nose mask
It is the best way to keep the portable air filter in front of you chest
Stanford Medicine scientists pinpoint COVID-19 virus’s entry and exit ports inside our noses
50 HEPA H11 Nose Masks are going to delivery to Dubei
Special Price for HEPA Nose Mask @15.00 for Black Friday
Wearing a N95 mask 24/7 at home help off covid-19 or flu spread among family member
Our Rocky Air Nose Mask can make sure wildfire smoke stays outside
Smome researh result for the wildfire damages
About Us
Rocky Air
Double Jack
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Address: Kingslake Road
North York, ON,
M2J 3G4
Tel: 647-286-8419