
If you must go outside, wear an N95 or P100 mask to protect your lungs in wildfire smoke area. January 14 2025, 0 Comments

If you must go outside, wear an N95 or P100 mask to protect your lungs.

Our Nose Mask has HEPA H11 and activated carbon fibre to remove wild fire smoke, VOC's and ash for you with no air leaking.

The wildfire burned everything into air, such as trees, houses, cars, everything inside the house.  These particles can carry toxic materials and pose significant health risks.


What should we do first when you face eathquake, wildfire smoke, volcanic reuption and checmical explosion? February 16 2023, 0 Comments

What should we do first when you face eathquake, buliding fire, wildfire smoke, volcanic eruptions, war and checmical explosion?

We should wear good quality of face mask, nose mask or gas mask with no air leaking. 

Do you have good quality of above mask in stock at home?  You should buy some mask and stock it now! It will save your life in case!


Wilddire smoke move to Seattle area today with air quality index 88 September 11 2022, 15 Comments

Wildfire smoke continues to move into the Seattle area today (Sunday) with air quality index is 88, visibility  4.8Km.  Air quality is now Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups in most areas and Unhealthy for everyone in some areas.

Vancouver expected to subside on Monday (tomorrow).

Are you ready with a right mask to brock the smoke?


What kind of mask should be wearing for Wild Fire Smoke? July 16 2022, 8 Comments

Forest fire smoke is a complex and dynamic mixture of gases and very small particles that can irritate the respiratory system and cause systemic inflammation.

Our N95 HEPA with activated carbon nose mask is the right one to protect you for wildfire smoke. Since no air leaking, HEPA H11 can small particles and activated carbon fibre can remove VOC's for you. 

There are a lot of wildfire in Rocky Mountain both Canada and US.

Advice to minimize health effects from Government Website:

  • If you have a chronic condition, have rescue medication on hand at all times and a plan to follow if your rescue medication cannot bring your condition under control.
  • Look for indoor environments that might be less smoky, such as shopping malls, community centres and libraries.
  • Avoid physical exertion because the amount of smoke you breathe increases as your breathing rate increases.
  • Keep hydrated as it helps your body deal with inflammation.

The face mask can not remove the smoke since there is air leaking and can not remove the very small particles, e.g. odors, smells, or VOC's.


Rougn-Norada Quebec need Nose Mask to remove Arsenic Emission July 11 2022, 8 Comments

The Horne Copper Selter GM said that the company need hundard million dollars to install the arsenic emission treatment equipment. So, our nose mask is the best mask to filter out the arsenic pollution sicne no air leaking with HEPA H11 and activated carbon fibre.

Lung cancer patient said: Wearing the N99 portable air purifier with nose mask feels more comfortable than not to wear it. June 25 2022, 18 Comments

Mr. Jing told me today, he received the N99 portable air purifier with nose mask and to wear it in kitchen. It is more comfortable compare to not wear it.

He had lung cancel at first stage last year due to air pulltion in China, he never smoke.

He need clean air to breath now. The air is treated by HEPA H12 and acativated carbon fiber remove the PM2.5, odors and VOC's. 



Our N95 Nose Mask V Face Mask in air leaking, remove pollen, VOC's and more April 01 2022, 20 Comments

                                           N99 HEPA  Nose Mask        Normal Face Mask

Capturing COVID-19                            Yes                                  No

Air leaking                                             No                                   Yes

Reusable                                               Yes                                 No

Fog                                                         No                                 Yes

Face cove                                              No                                  Yes

Nose Cover                                           Yes                                  No

Mouth Cover                                          No                                   Yes

PM2.5 filter rate                                    >95%                               78%

Killing rate of bacteria                          99%                                  No

With Activated Carbon filter                 Yes                                   No 

Remove SMOKE/Odor                        Yes                                  N/A

Filter Bacteria                                      >95%                               N/A

Remove pollen                                    Yes                                   N/A

Remove VOC's                                   Yes                                   N/A

Type of allergy: Pollen, dust, ....., in Spring, Summer, Fall,... Indoor / Outdoor March 05 2022, 4 Comments

Pollen: Tree pollen allergy, weeds pollen allergy, grass pollen allergy, 

Pollen is one of the most common triggers of seasonal allergies. Many people know pollen allergy as “hay fever.” Experts usually refer to pollen allergy as “seasonal allergic rhinitis.”

Each spring, summer, and fall − and even in the winter in some states − plants release tiny pollen grains to fertilize other plants of the same species. Most of the pollen that causes allergic reactions comes from trees, grasses, and weeds. These plants make small, light, and dry pollen grains that travel by the wind. They then can find their way into your eyes, nose, and lungs, causing allergy symptoms if you have a pollen allergy.

 Common symptoms of a pollen allergy include:

  • Allergic rhinitis: Nasal congestion, runny nose, Itchy nose, post nasal drip, and/or sneezing
  • Itchy, red, and/or watery eyes
  • Coughing
  • A red or irritated nose from frequently blowing your nose
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue

More than 25 million Americans are allergic to pollen. Some people are allergic to tree pollen, which is in the air in spring. Others have a problem with grass pollen, which is more of a summertime issue. Still others have trouble with weed pollen, which is common in the fall.

Figures between 20-30% of Canadians have seasonal allergies – and it’s something to sneeze at.

There are more than half million Chinese are allergic to pollen in north west region from Sand Pen Allergy.

Our N95 HEPA can filter out the pollen allergy to protect yourself.






Looks Good To Me January 30 2022, 4 Comments

Stay Home, wear face mask!

Bar closed, Food Court closed,

No Fitness, no where to go!

The nose mask help you to free eating, free drinking, no fog, no virus.

We received the photo from Facebook.  He move down the face and put the nose mask on feel: Looks Good To Me".



The First Delivery in North America for N95 HEPA Nose Mask January 21 2022, 14 Comments

The First Delivery for N95 HEPA Nose Mask In North America

We have received the goods today. It is very good quality in package. The pre-order is shipped to New York this afternoon.

We also prepare the shipping packaging for local order!



N95 HEPA Nose Mask is coming to North America January 15 2022, 10 Comments

The first shipment of our N95 HEPA Nose Mask is on the way by Fedex to Toronto. We will receive it on Jan. 20th, 2022.

Our Nose Mask is effective mask during the ongoing Omicron Wave of Covid-19 pandemic. It is free drinking, reusable, antibiosis, free eating, no air leaking, no fog!

We hope you safe!



I can eating, drinking and smile! Nose Mask -for wild fire smoke, allergies, air pollution, virus and travel August 27 2021, 38 Comments

Why Buy a Face Mask That Only Does 80% the Job?

This includes N95/N99-rated masks and particle respirators, which only filter out particulate matter, offering you no protection from the hundreds of dangerous chemicals and gases in wildfire smoke, cigarette smoke, traffic pollutants and smog, nor from VOCs and fragrances at home and in the workplace. The Face mask has air leaking from top to the two sides.

Nose Mask has HEPA 95 with silver icon sprayed, activated carbon fiber, and no-woven cloth combined filter, designed to provide effective wide-spectrum air cleaning of allergens, particles and gases, while offering reusable, durability, comfort and no air leaking style. 

Our replacement air filter is N95 with silver sprayed on. We make the sample today with mass production facility.


Rocky Air "Nose Mask" is available in China market July 11 2020, 4 Comments

Our first Nose Mask product is available in China now.

The product is in 100th Labor and Health Trade Show in Shanghai from July 3-5th. There is a lot of people to visit our boost during 3 days show.




Activated Carbon Mask & Shoe Insole Are Launching in Middle of Nov. 2013 October 23 2013, 4 Comments

Activated Carbon Mask & Shoe Insole Are Launching in Middle of Nov. 2013




The activated carbon mask and shoe insole are for personnel use to removal the smell. There is 100 masks in one box. There are  2 pair of carbon shoe insole in one bag. The more information form above items are coming soon.