
Make a "Nose Gas Mask + Swimming Glass" to be Gas Mask to Protect you in wild fire or in the War March 13 2022, 17 Comments

How to change the filter and adjust to wear! March 13 2022, 8 Comments

Ontario ending mandatory mask mandate in schools and other indoor settings on March 21 March 09 2022, 19 Comments

There is COVID-19 in airborne. Our N95 HEPA is the best protect to protect you in next stage. The airborne COVID-19 virus is breathing in through nose. Keep yourself safety and health is very important. HEPA filter can capture the COVID-19.

No air leaking, re-useable filter for 60 days, no fog, antibiosis, 

The spring is coming on the way here. Our nose mask can help you filter the pollen. There are 20-30% of Canadian with pollen allergy problem. 

"Nose Gas Mask" VS "Face Gas Mask" to protect you March 08 2022, 4 Comments

We are make the Silver Impregnated Activated Carbon Nose Mask for VOC's , Odor, and Smell removement. 

We can change the type of filter to mask "Nose Gas Mask" for protect the people in the war with similar function as Face Gas Mask. The nose gas mask can  treat the air pollution smell in the war.

New idea for car rescue bag in flood March 05 2022, 4 Comments

It is the second flood in Austria last week. The water is very deep and a lot of car under flood. There is no tool to rescue the car. 

We have air bag to recuse the car in flood. Welcome to contact us!


Type of allergy: Pollen, dust, ....., in Spring, Summer, Fall,... Indoor / Outdoor March 05 2022, 4 Comments

Pollen: Tree pollen allergy, weeds pollen allergy, grass pollen allergy, 

Pollen is one of the most common triggers of seasonal allergies. Many people know pollen allergy as “hay fever.” Experts usually refer to pollen allergy as “seasonal allergic rhinitis.”

Each spring, summer, and fall − and even in the winter in some states − plants release tiny pollen grains to fertilize other plants of the same species. Most of the pollen that causes allergic reactions comes from trees, grasses, and weeds. These plants make small, light, and dry pollen grains that travel by the wind. They then can find their way into your eyes, nose, and lungs, causing allergy symptoms if you have a pollen allergy.

 Common symptoms of a pollen allergy include:

  • Allergic rhinitis: Nasal congestion, runny nose, Itchy nose, post nasal drip, and/or sneezing
  • Itchy, red, and/or watery eyes
  • Coughing
  • A red or irritated nose from frequently blowing your nose
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue

More than 25 million Americans are allergic to pollen. Some people are allergic to tree pollen, which is in the air in spring. Others have a problem with grass pollen, which is more of a summertime issue. Still others have trouble with weed pollen, which is common in the fall.

Figures between 20-30% of Canadians have seasonal allergies – and it’s something to sneeze at.

There are more than half million Chinese are allergic to pollen in north west region from Sand Pen Allergy.

Our N95 HEPA can filter out the pollen allergy to protect yourself.






What kind of mask we should wear in the war or wild fire or near volcano February 26 2022, 37 Comments

The particle size for smoke is about 500 nm. So, HEPA and N95 can filter part of smoke. There is toxic VOC's in the smoke from war, wild fire or volcano. We have to use activated carbon to absorb above items in the air. We also have to wear glass (swimming  glass is a good one with good seal). 

Our nose mask with Silver impregnated activated carbon nose mask


or N95 HEPA with activated carbon nose mask 


Both nose mask can help you to remove the the smoke with fresh air. 

The family can buy a good quality of mask in case of use. Our carbon filter nose mask has a very good performance to remove VOC's, Odors. 





Index of Radon February 19 2022, 18 Comments

Radon test results

What you do depends on how much radon there is. Radon is measured in becquerels per cubic metre (Bq/m3).

  • If your home’s radon level is less than 200 Bq/m3, Health Canada radon guidelines say that no action is required. However, even low levels of radon can be harmful. It’s a good idea to try to lower your home’s radon level as much as possible, even if it’s already below 200 Bq/m3.
  • If your home’s radon level is between 200 and 600 Bq/m3, you should repair your home in the next two years.
  • If your home’s radon level is over 600 Bq/m3, you should repair your home within one year.

Reduce radon levels in your home

To lower the radon level, you need to hire a contractor to:

  • Figure out where the radon is coming in
  • Complete repairs to block it from coming in

Radon can come into your home through: sump pumps, cracks in foundations, spaces around pipes, unfinished floors, and other places. To solve your radon problem, you need an expert to find out where exactly the radon is getting in. A trained contractor with experience in radon mitigation (radon repairs) can examine your home, find where the radon is seeping in, and make the necessary repairs.

If you smoke and have been exposed to higher levels of radon, it’s very important to try to quit smoking. The combined effects of cigarette smoking and radon exposure raise the risk of lung cancer much more than either exposure alone.

Be aware of possible symptoms of lung cancer, such as shortness of breath, a new or worsening cough, pain or tightness in the chest, hoarseness, or trouble swallowing, and tell your doctor if you start to have any of these symptoms.

For uranium miners, millers, and transporters who have certain health problems as a result of exposure to radon, the United States government has established the Radiation Exposure Compensation Program. 


The Activated Carbon Fiber can absorb Radon Gas.

Our Electrostatic Filter Air Purifier has more efficiency to remove radon gas.

The First Portable Purifier that effectively Remove Radon Gas February 17 2022, 8 Comments

The Electrostatic filters that effectively remove radon gas

Radon is an odorless radioactive gas that is a by-product of the natural breakdown of uranium within the earth. Radon is found in soils and rock throughout North America and it can get into our homes through foundation cracks, air leaks, or well water etc. It has been implicated as a major cause of lung cancer; in fact, it is widely regarded as the second leading cause of lung cancer in the USA (and the leading cause for non-smokers).

Scientists estimate that 15,000 to 22,000 lung cancer deaths in the United States each year are related to radon. There is 3000 lung cancer deaths in Canada each year related to radon, too. There is about 15% of lung cancel is related to radon gas.

Radon gas is inert, colorless and odorless. Radon is naturally in the atmosphere in trace amounts. Most radon exposure occurs inside homes, schools and workplaces.

Our Electrostatic Portable Purifier is working now. It is based on our N99 HEPA Portable Purifier add Electrostatic filter to remove radon gas. Here are some photos for the filter box to share with you.

The PM0.3 remove performance is increased 22% from N99 HEPA  to Electrostatic Filter.





HEPA Nose Mask can capture airborne virus February 03 2022, 4 Comments

We use Silver ions sprayed on HEPA H11 for N95 HEPA Filter Nose Mask. 

Here are the article about the HEPA capturing the Airborne Virus:


Base on the Air purifiers with HEPA filtration efficiently capture particles the size of (and far smaller than) the virus that causes COVID-19, so the answer is yes. Furthermore, on October 5, 2020, the CDC changed its stance on how the virus is transmitted, and now says it “can be spread by exposure to virus in small droplets and particles that can linger in the air for minutes to hours.” In short, the CDC now acknowledges that the virus can spread via the air. That’s a major adjustment of its prior position: that direct person-to-person contact, including via larger respiratory droplets that do not travel far or linger in the air, was the main vector, and that airborne (a.k.a. aerosol) transmission was not a vector, period. Evidence for airborne transmission has been mounting since the spring; to catch up on the course this research has taken, read over University of Colorado-Boulder aerosols scientist Jose-Luis Jimenez’s summary in Time. And it’s worth noting that on September 18, the CDC published—and three days later retracted, citing errors in an internal review process—a version of its guideline that stated flatly that inhalation of aerosolized respiratory droplets “is thought to be the main way the virus spreads.”

Back to purifiers: The virus that causes COVID-19 is approximately 0.125 micron (125 nanometers) in diameter. It falls squarely within the particle-size range that HEPA filters capture with extraordinary efficiency: 0.01 micron (10 nanometers) and above. Many media outlets have incorrectly stated that HEPA filters don’t filter below 0.3 micron and therefore could not capture airborne coronaviruses. That’s wrong. This NASA study of HEPA filtration is quite technical, but the graph on page 7 and the preceding paragraph do a good job of explaining why HEPA filters are actually most efficient—almost 100% at 0.01 micron—at capturing ultrafine particles below the 0.3-micron HEPA test standard.
Photo: Sarah KobosThis means HEPA purifiers would efficiently capture viruses (and any aerosolized droplets of saliva and

Mail from The First US Customer for N99 HEPA Filter Nose Mask February 03 2022, 6 Comments

I received the letter from our 1st US Customer Mr. Bob:


Yes I have received the nose mask it is nicely packaged..
.Thank you also for the partial refund of 25 CAD... for the shipping cost
And thank you also for a brief description of how I might be able to open up the mask to have
access to the filter...
I am considering the sale final since I am experimenting with it and will keep you in mind for doing business with again
I am hoping that this mask will meet my expectations in preventing  the triggering of allergic reactions due to nuisance dusts
first I have tried it just the way it is and will see if I am not sensitive to the carbon and silver in the filter part if I am I will take that part out..
and I am impressed with how it comes apart and reassembles so that you can take the carbon filter out if I want to..
I am hoping able to use it with my glasses so that the lenses do not fog up
 like they do when I use the paper type duct bill masks that leak around my eyes when I exhale...
I am hoping that this one will provide a superior seal since it goes right up against your nostrils and I can exhale out of
your mouth when using it... this is another reason why I considered purchasing it.
It is a smart design that I could not seem to find anywhere and was thinking about trying to making my own by gluing a filter on to a sleep
apnea when I was shopping for parts and fortunately a web search brought me to a link to this product you offered on your site...

Looks Good To Me January 30 2022, 4 Comments

Stay Home, wear face mask!

Bar closed, Food Court closed,

No Fitness, no where to go!

The nose mask help you to free eating, free drinking, no fog, no virus.

We received the photo from Facebook.  He move down the face and put the nose mask on feel: Looks Good To Me".



How to remove smell in hallway from the garage shaft in building? January 25 2022, 14 Comments

The biggest complaint is odor comes in hallway near the garage shaft in building. The odor comes from the decay of fruit, vegetable, meats and diappers, etc.  It is worse in the heat summer.

Our Jurassic Carbon bag can help you to solve this problem.  

We can help you to stop the complaints from your residents. 




The First Delivery in North America for N95 HEPA Nose Mask January 21 2022, 9 Comments

The First Delivery for N95 HEPA Nose Mask In North America

We have received the goods today. It is very good quality in package. The pre-order is shipped to New York this afternoon.

We also prepare the shipping packaging for local order!



N95 HEPA Nose Mask is coming to North America January 15 2022, 10 Comments

The first shipment of our N95 HEPA Nose Mask is on the way by Fedex to Toronto. We will receive it on Jan. 20th, 2022.

Our Nose Mask is effective mask during the ongoing Omicron Wave of Covid-19 pandemic. It is free drinking, reusable, antibiosis, free eating, no air leaking, no fog!

We hope you safe!



Wire Fire make air pollution in Wester of North America November 23 2021, 13 Comments

The Air Quality Index (AQI) is 170 in Miles City, US today.  The AQI index is always higher in Seattle and San Francisco due to wire fire smoke. The wire fire burned everything, tree, grass, house, car, plastic, cable, furniture....., all are flying into the air The smoke is toxic, harmful for body. 

Ours N95 HEPA filter nose mask can filter our smoke for you with no air leaking. It is sliver ions sprayed on filter, re-useable, lighter, no foggy, comfortable to wear. 

We also supply the N99 HEPA Portable Purifier for you!

Clean Teeth October 21 2021, 13 Comments

I wear my nose mask to clean teeth today! I feel it is very safety and comfortable!

Why is N95 HEPA Nose Mask is the best the wirefire smoke? September 27 2021, 4 Comments

There are following facts to show you the N95  HEPA Nose mask is the best:

1.  N95 HEPA with silver sprayed is capable of filtering out 95% of particles sized 0.3 microns, and kill the virus.

2. Carbon fiber stop different gases and toxins.

3. Full seal between mask and your nose, no air leaking.

How do I choose the best face mask for me? September 27 2021, 5 Comments

How do I choose the best face mask for me?

To keep your lungs safe from wildfire smoke or other extreme air event, here is what you can consider when choosing a face mask:

First, here is what you should avoid: Surgical face masks, bandanas, or the top half of your sweater are insufficient to protect against airborne toxins. Particles of smoke, dirt, and other unhealthy substances easily get around these poor seals.

N-95 Respirator masks

Particulate respirators are usually the best call for most people who are concerned with keeping their lungs healthy during an extreme air event. It is particularly important to get one with the proper rating, however.

N95 are the most common respirator masks available and are usually sufficient. The “95” means the mask is capable of filtering out 95% of particles sized 0.3 microns. Some masks may be rated N99 or even N100, which means they will filter 99% and 99.97% respectively. The letter part of the rating is less important as it refers to the mask’s ability to resist oil-based liquids that may splash on the mask such as blood or automotive fluids that may splash on the mask in occupational settings. “N” means that mask is Not oil resistant.

Some masks may be rated R, which means they are oil-Resistant, or even P, which means they are oil Proof. The P100 mask is one kind of oil proof mask that can filter 99.97% of particles (rounded up to be rated 100). The N95 is the best option for most since higher numbers or more oil-resistant ratings also make it more difficult to breathe.

Avoid respirators that do not have a rating or do not have “NIOSH” stamped next to the rating. NIOSH is the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, a part of the Center for Disease Control. NIOSH recommends a full seal between the mask and your face, so trim your beard if you have one, and get a specially fitted mask for any children you are responsible for. Along the same lines, the standard masks do not provide a seal around a dog’s muzzle, so if you need to keep your dog’s lungs safe, invest in a mask specifically for your dog.

Some respirators have a little box with a valve in the center. This is to allow exhaust breath to escape. While this reduces the efficacy of the respirator, it also allows carbon dioxide, heat, and moisture to vent.

Gas masks

Gas masks are much more expensive and require separate filtration cartridges. People with severe asthma or chemical sensitivities should consider using a gas mask to be sure they are breathing the clean air their lungs need.

If you have heart or lung issues that cause shortness-of-breath

If you  have a special health condition,  it may be necessary to get a PAPR or just not use a mask at all, though you should follow instructions from a medical professional. This will ensure that even if you are breathing heavily, there will not be any extra strain. In fact, the California Department of Public Health states that “wearing a mask may actually be harmful to some people with heart or lung disease because it can make the lungs work harder to breathe.” And even if you do not have any cardiopulmonary issues, you will be breathing in less oxygen when using a mask, so be sure to take it off whenever you get a chance or if you find breathing through it difficult.

I can eating, drinking and smile! Nose Mask -for wild fire smoke, allergies, air pollution, virus and travel August 27 2021, 37 Comments

Why Buy a Face Mask That Only Does 80% the Job?

This includes N95/N99-rated masks and particle respirators, which only filter out particulate matter, offering you no protection from the hundreds of dangerous chemicals and gases in wildfire smoke, cigarette smoke, traffic pollutants and smog, nor from VOCs and fragrances at home and in the workplace. The Face mask has air leaking from top to the two sides.

Nose Mask has HEPA 95 with silver icon sprayed, activated carbon fiber, and no-woven cloth combined filter, designed to provide effective wide-spectrum air cleaning of allergens, particles and gases, while offering reusable, durability, comfort and no air leaking style. 

Our replacement air filter is N95 with silver sprayed on. We make the sample today with mass production facility.


Flood water in China, West of Europe and UK August 06 2021, 4 Comments

There are more water floods in China, India, West Europe, UK, US in July 2021.

We need new tools to save the life and cars ASAP.



Wild fire around world, need nose mask! August 06 2021, 4 Comments

There are more 300 wild fires in BC. 150 fires in Ontario, and QC in Canada. There are wild fires in US, Turkey, and Greece.

The cloth face mask can not brock the smoke from wild fire, the wild fire burns every thing include in tree and house. WE need HEPA filter with no air leaking face mask with purifier to treat smoke.

We product use HEPA with carbon fiber can treat the air for both N95 Nose mask and N99 Portable Purifier with nose mask.


I have COVID-19 vaccine with nose mask May 16 2021, 18 Comments

I wear my N95 Nose Mask with face mask to have COVID-19 vaccine. The policeman told me that it is the first time for him to see the nose mask. I told him there is a N95 HEPA inside to filter the virus, no air leaking. The policeman got surprise when I told him I design and make the nose mask.

The nurse ask me why to wear it. She is smile after my introduction. She told me the nose mask is more seal compare to face mask, it is very good. She wears the medical face mask.


Performance of N95 HEPA filter Nose Mask May 14 2021, 4 Comments

The performance of nose mask is much better than face mask in sealing.


1. I wear the face mask to packaging GAC into 720g bag, there are a lot dust going through the gap between the nasal and mask. The dust of activated carbon is black you can see it in photo


2. I wear the N95 nose mask to do same works this week. The dust is filter out, I breath clean air this time. I am very happy with my Nose Mask's performance.

I wear nose mask for 6 hours, there is no dust in nose at all!

The N95 HEPA filter brock the dust!

The inside of the nose mask is very clean, no carbon dust.